Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today, I really do not feel inspired to write. And I lost a friend; actually my elder brother's friend but someone I also consider a friend. He was young, energetic and full of ideas, with a wife and a daughter.

The saddest thing was going to his house and seeing his wife's eyes bloodshot from crying, his picture sitting on a stool carrying a condolence register, and his mother too stunned she does not even seem to hear anything.

The biggest irony was his daughter, a sweet little girl, about two years plus, running around, totally absorbed with herself playing pranks with some of the mourners. Like a pin-size light in the midst of darkness, she would not allow the presence of mourners stop her from being a child... sometimes I wish I could stay a child.

The story was that he was involved in an accident. He came out of it, called his family and told them about the event, but unknown to him and them, the worst was yet to come. Apparently he had an internal bleeder because two or so hours later he was dead. Got me thinking, what would I have done if he had walked into the casualty room himself to say he was involved in an accident? would I have attended to him or would I have ignored him as someone not needing medical attention seeing his physical condition? This happens a lot of times, could be happening to someone even now; it is just a shame that is happened to someone so close.

I pray for the family, for the fortitude to bear the loss. For him, I pray he rests in peace

Reading my friend Tova Fuller's blog today (Ms. Mudphud), I realized there is a lot about blogging I do not know of, which I need to learn. Her blog is just too cool, and her husband Josh's too. They have music, paintings and lots of really cool stuff to read; they deserve some checking out.

Hope to have some more interesting stuff next time. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. How are you all recovering from your loss?
